Friday, 19 February 2010

Thoughts for our French Home

The last few days have flown by in a flurry of fine tuning our wonderful drawings for the exterior of our house (done by my husband), French lessons for Eddie & Alfie (yes really) and most importantly, musing on the different types of wine we are about to enjoy down in the Languedoc Roussillon (the best bit).

I write with my France Buying Guide by my side, consulting my own description of this beautiful area.

There is so much to discover down there, we are determined to make time to tootle along the Canal du Midi, stare at the wonderful old churches and marvel at the incredible ancient city of Carcassonne. “This is not an assault course”, said my husband. He is right: although we have a lot of hard graft to undertake on this property and we can’t wait to get our hands on it, we will make time to enjoy our new surroundings, welcome in the Spring and make new friends. I have a sneaking suspicion that our project may well attract some interest in our village. The charming couple in the chambre d’hote where we spent 2 nights last week told us to pass by for a welcoming aperitif when we return; the lady in the boulangerie welcomed us to the village and said if we need help of any kind, just to pop in any time….

We have found ourselves itching to get back there, so much so that my husband decided to make another short trip down there whilst I pack up here. He is there now! He wants to feel the fabric of the house, muse on how the rooms are going to work, gain some vision for our garden plan. Preparation is often the key to success and between us, I have no doubt that the renovation of this grand old house will be successful.

We make a good team, he and I. A designer by trade, he is champing at the bit to get his hands on this building and make the space work. I shall enjoy making it into a comfortable home, shopping in the local market, lighting log fires. But for now it is all hands on deck!

As I write, we await the results of Eddie & Alfie’s blood tests in a few days’ time. All being well, they will be issued with their passports and from then on, it will be no holds barred: we will be on our way down in our left-hand drive car. More information on both pets and cars in France can be found in the France Buying Guide, I must remember to pack my own copy…

I will not miss February here in the UK, it has been overcast and cold. Warmer weather and a whole lot more await us down in the South of France, not long to go now till we are welcoming in the sunlight.

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