Thursday, 16 December 2010

Reflections on our renovation

As the year comes to an end, we look back on our achievements in France. We arrived at the end of February and although the house was cold and in need of much work, its proportions were such that we knew even then, in its slightly neglected state, that we had found a great home. Those first few weeks were ones of settling in to our new life and I remember the snow blanketing our village and all around as we sat around log fires each evening and planned the first stage of the work.

One of our first major achievements was knocking the wall down between 2 rooms on the ground floor to create a huge kitchen – closely to be followed by the demolition of the pigeon tower in the garden. I remember both those times as being landmarks in our story: one can imagine the space which results from knocking down a wall but actually seeing the result is quite another thing. Thus it was that our garden took on a whole new aspect and the kitchen, with its high ceiling and great new space, already looked bright and inviting.

The tower was a big job of demolition but once down, made us realise how much light we now had coming in at all levels of the house. The ancient balcony, already crumbling, was next and the new one remains to be constructed in the year to come.
Opening out our big family bathroom was the next step ( hitherto we had had a rudimentary shower in what is now the kitchen!), closely followed by creating doors in place of windows at ground floor level in both the kitchen and the small living room. Then Mr. Fix It, always seemingly one step ahead, designed and installed our 2 ensuite bathrooms back to back.

We have had jolly times with visitors, both friends and family throughout the spring and summer; endless evenings sitting in the garden until the early hours when it was still warm until late September.

Central heating was a big job but is now safely installed. Our house, already warm with log fires each evening, took on the feel of a real home at this point.

As I write, we are staying with friends in Germany en route for England and Christmas time with family. It will be good to take stock, to plan for 2011 and for Mr. Fix It to have a time of rest, recuperation and celebration. We look forward greatly to the New Year and all it may bring, knowing that the sun will always shine on our lovely corner of the South of France and that next year our house will gradually become quite splendid.

I wish you the happiest Christmas, wherever you are and may the New Year bring you peace, prosperity and happiness.

The Overseas Guides Company
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