Thursday, 24 February 2011

A feeling of Spring in the air here in France!

“I can’t believe it is still only February,” remarked Mr. Fix It over the weekend, “just look at the blossom everywhere!” Nature plays by its own rules and the sight of glorious blossom in all shades of pink and white along the sides of the country roads here give us cause to feel that Spring is just around the corner. I drove over to the next village this morning: a wonderful open drive where you can see far into the distance. This one was one of those mornings when everything was crystal clear and the Pyrenees stood majestically in the distance almost willing me, it seemed, to reach out and touch them. Having returned a week ago from the UK, the sharp contrasts between these 2 countries is still uppermost in my mind. Driving is no stress; in fact it is a pleasure. The sky is almost always a strong blue; there is little dullness here. The ancient monuments stand tall, oozing their sense of history, coming into their own, we always feel, as the sun sets and they are seemingly magically up lit in a soft orange glow.
So as the days stretch out Mr. Fix It has been preparing the first stage of our kitchen renovation, clearing out the floor to prepare for the timber and joists which will play host to our huge strips of wood, waiting in the wings for their place in this house. Next will be planning the electrics, a huge task but one which affords us complete choice as to where we site sockets and lights. Mr. Fix It has a “thing” about lighting – a good thing! It is a vital part of making a house feel like a home.

Sunday saw our village come alive: a “vide grenier” or “attic sale” all along the promenade. Always on the lookout for artefacts for our house, we found a beautiful picture, some old iron “log holders” for some of our fireplaces and some exquisite linen (the French do “do” linen well). If you keep your eyes open you can usually find at least one item which may suit amongst the many stalls and the sense of community here is tangible.

We sat outside for lunch and for the first time this year, had a drink in the evening in our garden as the sun lowered. Sunset does not come till around 6.45 pm these days and if I can prise Mr. Fix It away from the “kitchen” with a tempting glass of wine (usually fairly easily achievable), then this is the time I think we both enjoy the most.

Our friends and family keep a track of our progress on this house and those who have visited thus far have immediately seen the potential offered by its huge spaces and grand proportions. It’s true to say that not everyone would have taken on such a project and we envisage quite a while until we can say it is “done” but since we have only ourselves as our judge, we can choose how we spend our time and much of that is spent enjoying life down here in the Languedoc Roussillon. A year on and life in France just gets better.

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